over a field of I-should-have-thought-of-that-flowers

                                                              flies a morning blue bird of colors your

                                                              eyes have guaranteed never seen the likes of

but there are purposeful things to do

                                                                it’s another digging expedition

                                                                where in the squared off pit can we find

                                                                a bit of circuitry or proof of purchase

assuming exhuming bones that             prove we had existed for thousands of forevers

would scare any sane archeologist          dusting off the remnants of ourselves

building things for years and years         pottery bits and wicker dolls at IKEA©

that look the same as they always have

                                                                and years and years

                                                                as if focusing on the past present or future will

                                                                solve the problems we should instead have painted

prodding a broad concern        we should have left be

with sharp sticks like hungry        ravenous greedy or bitter                                                                                    

cavemen and asking for forgiveness later       there is a point though where I start to realize

that not only does everybody play the game

                                                               but most of them don’t even enjoy it

                                                               a bunch of sad fuckers

                                                               trying to leave me

sucking on the powdered bits of teeth      but maybe this poem needs one spark of optimism

in surprise and knowing with a fat lip       if not for the sake of balance

that it doesn’t matter           in this sea of relativity and weak phenomenon

that everything is wonderful except

                                                               having to act like I care so I don’t seem

                                                               too uncouth and then caring a little because

                                                               they are dragging me down with them

and then not caring again with the copper-earthy taste of my own blood running from a busted smile